A Local Woman

Determined to help others succeed

I began my career as a Financial Strategist with Equitable Life before ascending to Senior Investment Advisor at JP Morgan Chase where I supervised numerous investment products and services. I continued as an Investment Advisor with MetLife Securities and hit my stride as Assistant Vice President of Merchant Services and Vice President of Business Banking at Capital One Bank. As my personal business endeavors grew, I came to a place where I no longer relied on big banking. So, after accruing 27 years of banking experience, I am striving to bring value to the Central Louisiana financial community and beyond.

Toma G. Epps, Founder & CEO

What I Bring To The Table?

Big Bank Experience Locally Sourced

A business owner since 2011, TGE Financial Services is headed by an experienced financial thought leader passionate about business planning, strategic solutions, coaching, taxes, sales, leadership, and finance.

I provide full-spectrum financial services to individuals, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and large companies across all industries.

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